Healing hands on womans back. Haave-Method.
We Have a Dream

Learn effective healing tools.
Be healthier.
Help others and live a full life.

Haave Method helps you get rid of your illnesses so that you can start living your dreams and find your purpose in life.
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A Healthier World for everyone

Compelling and unique treatment method

Do you suffer from back pain, headaches, or other chronic conditions? Do you experience anxiety, low mood, or emotional challenges?

Haave Method combines an understanding of the mechanisms of ailments with effective treatment techniques. The Haave Method results from careful testing and years of research in alternative treatments.

Studying the Haave Method gives you pre-structured knowledge on how to cure various ailments. When the mind and body are balanced, the quality of life improves.
Some of our customers have noticed changes even after one treatment session. Join a free webinar to learn more!
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Toni Harri and Nino Tuovinen, Haave-Method.

Your Haave Journey Begins Here

Studying the Haave Method is easy. You can buy the first course directly or sign up for a free webinar to learn more.

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Free Webinar

Are you curious to try Haave Method but would benefit from additional information? Listen to the free webinar, where we go through the origins of Haave Method, what problems it helps with, what kind of results we have achieved and how the study path progresses. Just from this free webinar, you can get inspiring ideas on how to change the course of your life.
You can watch the pre-recorded webinar when it suits you best. The duration of the webinar is about 60 minutes.

Course 1

Physical Body Healing

The first course focuses on learning how to heal the physical body. In this course, you will learn how to fix scoliosis, a frozen shoulder, different sorts of back pains and several other ailments in the body. This course is no doubt one of the most profound things you can learn. Try it yourself and see what kind of impact you can make with the knowledge. You will be amazed!

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What is Haave Method?

With the Haave Method, you can help yourself, your loved ones, and the whole community.
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Elbow being treated. Haave-Method.