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Free Webinar

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A webinar about our methods, like the chiropractic treatments but done without the physical force. How on earth, you ask? Well I’m glad you asked. It can happen through new and modern energy healing techniques. Scoliosis? Fixable. SI joints all over the place? 5 minutes and it’s fixed without any physical manipulation. Sounds pretty unbelievable doesn’t it? Well, it is pretty unbelievable but also true. Come and take a look at the webinar and we’ll explain more in there.

We’ll cover things like:

  • Why does this company exist?
  • How did we come up with our methods?
  • What can be achieved with our methods?
  • What scientific research is there on the subject?
  • Short demo video on how to align the pelvic bones with our energy healing.
  • What the heck does “Haave” mean?

The webinar can be watched on our free learning platform.

The webinar is on demand. You can watch it right away after you’ve registered (for free) into our learning platform.

Who’s talking?
Toni Harri, the CEO and one of the founders of Haave-Method will be speaking on the video.

How long will it take?
The webinar will last for a solid 53 minutes. It’s a video that you can pause and continue whenever you like.

How much does it cost?
It’s completely free!