Information about energy healing, part 1: What is Optimal Health?

In this article series, we will cover questions related to energy healing, such as:

  • What is optimal health?
  • What causes illnesses?
  • What is energy healing?
  • How does energy healing affect the body?
  • What conditions can be helped by energy healing?

We will go through these and other interesting questions, as our mission is to provide the most accurate information about energy healing.

What is health?
Let’s start by considering the question, what is health?

This is a very broad question and it can be viewed from many different perspectives and there are surely many definitions of health. However, let’s start with a relatively broad definition.

A person is in optimal health when the following claims are fulfilled in them:

  • The person is physically healthy and energetic and is able to move effortlessly and painlessly.
  • The person is emotionally balanced. They predominantly experience positive emotions such as excitement, happiness, joy, love, and peace.
  • The person is mentally balanced and capable of rational thinking and creative action.
  • The person is spiritually balanced. They feel that they have meaning and that their life has some purpose.

This definition of health is significantly broader than the commonly used definition, which states that a person is healthy if they don’t have clear diagnosed symptoms.

According to this definition, health is not just the absence of symptoms but overall well-being which, unfortunately, is quite rare today.

This definition also includes spirituality, which doesn’t mean religion in this context, but a more general and broader understanding that life has a purpose. Without this feeling, a person is not completely satisfied and happy. This type of spiritual happiness and satisfaction can be achieved, for example, by doing work that helps others and thereby experiencing that they are doing something bigger and more meaningful than just living for themselves in this world.

When all these factors are in balance, one can talk about profound health. If one factor is slightly out of balance, it may not yet be considered a disease, but the person is no longer optimally healthy.

When can someone be considered ill from this definition? This is a blurry line and each individual should determine for themselves when they no longer feel balanced. The presence of actual illness can be considered when the balance is disrupted to the extent that the person experiences symptoms that interfere with their daily activities. At this point, they are far from optimal health.

How would you assess your health based on these measures?

In the next part of the article, we will examine the reasons why people become ill. Would you like to read more? Subscribe to the complete article series directly to your email.

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