Postural misalignments – what problems do they cause and what can be done about them?

What are postural misalignments?

Many have probably heard of postural misalignments such as different leg lengths, scoliosis, sacroiliac joint dislocation, and pelvic misalignments. All of these are very common among people and cause various problems. Or do they? Are postural misalignments just a part of normal body function, or is it really a problem that needs to be addressed?

Different length legs and pelvic misalignment

First, let’s look at the picture below.

The picture shows that the person in question has unequal leg lengths, which can be seen from the pelvic tilt and the fact that the knees are at different heights.

Let’s use some common sense here and think for a moment. Do you think it’s possible that a person with such postural misalignments may also have pain in their legs, lower back, or pelvic area?

Based on our experience, almost everyone with significant postural misalignments also has pain in these areas. Many also have wear and tear, because if the body is not in balance, it causes the body to wear out faster than usual. The situation is the same as in a car where the wheel alignment is off: the tires wear out much faster because they are subjected to a significantly higher load than usual. The same applies to the body, unequal leg lengths usually cause one leg to twist at the knee because the longer leg cannot be straight and has to bend to the side. This strains the knee and can cause wear and tear as well as pain.

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Scoliosis means a crooked spine.

The image shows that the person on the right has scoliosis and the person on the left has a normal, balanced posture. Which do you think is more likely to have at least back pain?

Everyone can immediately see from these images that postural misalignments do not look good in the body and a person who has them must have at least an uncomfortable feeling if not even severe pain. This is self-evident and also our experience when we have treated clients. As postural misalignments diminish, the overall feeling improves.

What is usually done for postural problems?

It is generally believed that if someone has been diagnosed with leg length discrepancy, it is a structural problem that cannot be corrected, and the only thing that can be done is to put lift pads in the shoes to balance the gait. In the treatment of scoliosis, medicine involves surgically opening up the back and forcing the spine straight by inserting metallic support structures. Thus, postural problems are understood to some extent in the medical field, even though the treatment is quite brutal.

In the medical field, it is believed that the problem is a structural one, which may be the case in some rare cases, but most postural problems can be corrected without surgery or similarly aggressive procedures.

Natural treatment methods also address postural problems, as there is a better understanding of what is going on there. It is understood that it is not usually a structural problem, but rather that the body has “frozen” in the wrong position and the situation can be corrected with manipulation therapy.

The technique usually involves some kind of cracking or manipulation therapy in which the body is more or less forced into the correct position using physical force. This approach is much gentler than medical methods because no irreversible damage is done to the body. Many manipulations help… at least temporarily. The problem with these techniques is that quite often the postural problem returns and regular cracking is required.

This raises the question of why postural problems sometimes return. Why the body does not stay in the correct position for more than a moment?

What causes postural problems?

This is the question that should be understood first to even have a chance of getting more permanent results and helping people.

It is usually thought that different leg lengths are a congenital defect, but we have corrected hundreds of different leg lengths, some of which the client has stated were “considered congenital by a doctor.” Despite this diagnosis, the treatment has corrected the situation to the surprise of the client. Did we do a miracle? No, we just understood the cause of the postural problem and therefore achieved results that had not been achieved previously.

Look again at the picture above of the person standing straight and the person next to them with scoliosis and answer this: Which person’s body do you think is tenser and which is more relaxed?

The key to postural errors and their causes lies in this question. It is essentially about the body’s chronic state of tension.

This may raise the question of what if someone has had scoliosis for 50 years, how can their body be in a state of tension for their entire life? It can be, as it involves the body’s deep muscles that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, the same nervous system that has kept the person’s heart pumping day and night for their entire life. When there is tension in that nervous system, it can cause a decades-long state of tension and postural misalignment. But it is also possible to quickly eliminate the tension and the associated postural error that has persisted for decades. And this knowledge is the basis of the energy healing techniques we use.

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Customer story

A 70-year-old man came to our clinic as a client. The man had severe postural misalignments, standing significantly tilted to the right.

The image below is fake, but it gives an idea of how much the client was skewed. The picture doesn’t even tell the full story. The client had a much more severe pelvic misalignment, and the entire upper body was twisted significantly.

The customer asked us, “Can you help me?” and we asked him how long he had been standing in that tilted posture. The man replied, “Since childhood.” We decided to start with a three-session treatment series to see how quickly the situation would begin to improve.

During the first treatment, the posture did not change, but the man said he felt “crunching in the thoracic area during the treatment.”

By the end of the second treatment, the pelvic misalignment had corrected, but the upper body was still tilted.

At the end of the third treatment, the man was completely straight. We were also surprised by the treatment outcome and asked the man how he felt. He replied, “It feels like I’m now completely tilted!”

This comment meant that since the person had become accustomed to being so tilted, it had become a straight-feeling position, and now the straight posture felt tilted again. The brain will get used to this change, but at first, the change can understandably feel strange, especially when dealing with such a significant postural deviation that had been present since childhood.

Do I have postural issues?

Many people may be wondering at this point, “Do I have postural issues?” The likelihood is that you do, as about 90% of people have some degree of postural issues. The most common issues are related to the pelvic region, which can lead to what’s called leg length discrepancy.

Look at the image below, which shows the top of the hip bones. You can try looking at yourself in a full-length mirror while placing your hands on top of your hip bones from the side of your body. Are both sides of the pelvis at the same level? If the pelvis is not symmetrical and balanced, then you have at least a pelvic postural issue. Pelvic postural issues usually also cause unequal leg length and S-shaped scoliosis.

What can you do about it?

Postural imbalances can be corrected with the right techniques.

If you are interested in the subject and want to learn how to correct your own and others’ postural imbalances, come to our Physical Body Healing course and we will teach you effective techniques for correcting postural imbalances.

This field is rapidly growing and with the knowledge of our courses, you can have a future profession if you wish. Many of our students have done so, when they have realized the power and ease of the methods, and how they can help people. Check out our first course, Physical Body Healing here.

This is a very useful skill as about 90% of people have some degree of postural imbalance, so the skill won’t go to waste.

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